We give glory to God
for the many activities going on in the Diocese of northern Uganda. The
construction of the Archbishop Janani Luwum Vocational and Training Institute
is on-course and some of the building are now under renovation while new
buildings are also coming up. Already the former Library, Class rooms for Women
Development Students and the Dormitories have got new roof.
24 October 2019
Update as of October 2019
27 February 2019
Be Faithful Servant
22 January 2019
23 Ordained by Bishop Johnson Gakumba
23 deacons and priests ordained
in the Diocese of Northern Uganda by Bishop Johnson Gakumba during a colourful
ceremony at St. Philips Cathedral Gulu.
In a wonderful service that was both joyful and
solemn, the preacher was the Bishop of Kitgum Diocese, Rt. Rev. Wilson Kitara.
In his sermon, Bishop Kitara appealed to the newly ordained to accept their
call into ordained ministry. He urged them to remain faithful to their call: “Let
the spirit direct your lives and you will not satisfy the desires of the human
nature”. He said those clergy who still get into immorality and indecent
actions, worship of idols and witchcraft, jealousy, anger and greed for power –
they are not born of the spirit.
The bishop cautioned the congregation against false
teachers who appeal to people by using sweet sounding words. They say, “When you came to our church, you will get a
car, a beautiful woman/a handsome man, money, jobs and promotions.” He said
Jesus called the disciples by saying follow me (luba) and they followed him.
Preaching from Matthew 10, the bishop said what Jesus
would say to the 23 ordinands: ‘Go and preach.’ “As you go, proclaim this
message: the kingdom of heaven is near! Heal the sick, bring the dead to life,
heal those who suffer from dreaded disease and drive out demons. You have
received without pay, so give without being paid. Do not carry any gold, silver
or copper money in your pockets, do not carry a beggar’s bag for the journey or an extra shirt or
shoes, or a stick, workers should be given what they need.”
Bishop Kitara appealed to the congregation to take
care of the clergy by meeting their basic daily needs such as food, shelter and
life’s other necessities in order for them to receive blessings from the
clergy. “Ka ce myero amini gum, ento aneno ni in aye ma i weko kec neka, adeno
can ci amini gum nining.” This means ‘if
you are the very one giving me a hard time and not taking good care of me, how
can I whole heartedly give you the blessing which is required of me according
to the Book of Numbers 6: 22-27?’ The bishop said one reason some
Christians are not receiving blessings is because they do not take care of the
priests posted to their parishes.
So wisely the Bishop of Kitgum had challenged both
ordinands and laity to share together in the ministry entrusted to every member
of the body of Christ. In contrast to the deceptive appeals of the false preachers,
the newly ordained were urged to be directed by the Holy Spirit. They were
encouraged to take to heart the liberating words of Jesus and to go as Kingdom workers
in his mission. Like those first disciples, they would go on learning as they
followed Jesus, clear in the knowledge that the way of Jesus is the way of joyful
and costly self-giving not greedy and foolish self-accumulation. At the end of it all the deacons were given
bicycles for ministry, one Parish however managed to buy a motorcycle for their
priest. How I would love to see the reverends on motorcycles and vehicle
instead of bicycles. If you are challenged, please support at least the two
female Deacons to have a motorcycle each to start with.
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