Thalia Carr the wife to Martin Carr of Oxford stood forward and spoke in a mixture of English and Lwo saying ‘Ci wan ma watye kanyi pe watwero jogo cente mo me wilo caran” meaning are we too poor to raise money for sewing machines. Provoked by the Thalia's appeal and family contribution of money that can buy one sewing machine,the Acholi community in London and Oxford who were attending a fellowship meeting in Oxford being chaired by Bishop Nelson Onono-Onweng raised 188 Pounds. The money was handed over to Brenda Onono to bring to the Women Development Centre for buying sewing machine for the girls who were abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army and are now being trained at the Diocesan training centre. After their training the girls often come out without a sewing machine to start a leaving. Giving a sewing machine to one of these girls would make them able to support themselves. Currently we have 30 girls at the centre and the money raised can buy three sewing machines. Are you willing to support one? Let us know.