Ululation, dancing and jumping filled the air as students of Gulu High School receives the long awaited School bus. The Isuzu bus arrived in the School on Friday 4th October 2013. A short prayer of dedication was done at the School led by Bishop Johnson Gakumba, assisted by the Chaplain of the School Rev. Jane Todera and the Vicar st.Philips Rev. James Okaka.
According to the Headteacher of the School Ocan David, the bus was bought at a total cost of 340 million Uganda Shillings and that 44% of the money came from the School while 66% was bank loan to be paid within a period of three to four years.
The District Education Officer Rev. Vincent Oceng Ocen said the bus must be used for:-taking the students for study tour, sports activities, and other co-curricular activities. The DEO also said the bus must take staff for retreat and also other people can hire inorder to offset the loan. One of the student said " Now we can also be consider among the big schools"